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Canada Attracts Foreign Tech Workers from US
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Canada is taking advantage of the mass exodus of tech workers leaving the U.S. Tech vacancies in Canada are predicted to be close to 200,000 by 2020. The cost of living as well as many restrictions placed on immigrants under President Donald Trump’s administration are the key causes of so many foreign workers leaving areas […]
WATCH: Australia Enjoyed Surge of 41,000 New Jobs in July 2019
July 2019 was an incredible month for the Australian labor market. It added close to three times the predicted number of jobs. The unemployment rate stayed at 5.2 percent as the workforce ballooned to a new record. The proportion of those actively looking for a job or in work currently increased to a record 66.1 […]
Salaries for Canadian Jobs with Good Career Prospects
One of the toughest decisions you will ever make is choosing a career path. The key factors are your interests and talents, but it is also good to stay up on jobs with the best pay. The Canadian Business Best Jobs ranking uses employment growth, salaries, and future prospects to help you make the perfect […]